What will help kids while having upset tummy?
Encourage rest: Allow the child to rest and avoid strenuous activities. Resting can help reduce stress on the digestive system and allow the child's body to focus on healing.
Hydration: Offer plenty of fluids, such as water, to prevent dehydration. Clear fluids like water, sports drinks, or broth are typically easier to tolerate during an upset tummy. Avoid sugary drinks, as they can worsen symptoms.
Bland diet: Stick to a bland diet that is easy on the digestive system. Foods like rice, bananas, toast, and cooked chicken are often well-tolerated. Avoid fatty, spicy, or acidic foods, as they can irritate the stomach.
Small frequent meals: Offer smaller meals more frequently instead of regular-sized meals. This can help reduce the burden on the digestive system.
Avoid dairy products: Dairy products can be hard on the digestive system, so it's best to avoid them while the child has an upset tummy.
Offer ginger: Ginger is known to have soothing effects on the digestive tract. You can give the child ginger tea, ginger candy, or add grated ginger to bland foods.
Peppermint: Peppermint is another herb that has calming effects on the digestive system. Peppermint tea or peppermint candies can help relieve nausea.
Use a heating pad: Applying a warm heating pad to the child's abdomen can help relieve discomfort and cramps.
Monitor the situation: If the upset tummy persists or if there are other worrying symptoms like high fever, severe diarrhea, or persistent vomiting, it's essential to seek medical advice.
Avoid medications: Over-the-counter medications for an upset tummy should only be used as per a healthcare professional's recommendation, as they may not be suitable for children.
Monitor for dehydration: Pay close attention to the child's level of hydration. Signs of dehydration include dry lips, decreased urine output, sunken eyes, and lethargy. If you're concerned about dehydration, seek medical attention.
Prevent future episodes: Teach children about proper hygiene practices like washing hands frequently and avoiding contaminated foods to reduce the risk of future tummy troubles.