Why do you have a large bowel and small bowel?
Small bowel
- The small bowel is made of three sections: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
- It is about 20 feet long and is located in the upper left and central sections of the abdomen.
- The small bowel digests food and absorbs nutrients.
- The small bowel moves food through peristalsis, which are muscle contractions that push food down the bowel.
Large bowel
- The large bowel is made of the cecum, colon, and rectum.
- It is about 6 feet long and is located in the lower right section of the abdomen.
- The large bowel absorbs water and electrolytes from food and stores waste before it is eliminated from the body.
- The large bowel moves food through by peristalsis and also by mass movements, which occur about three times a day.
The large bowel is larger in diameter than the small bowel, which allows it to store more waste. The large bowel also has a slower transit time than the small bowel, which allows more time for water and electrolytes to be absorbed.