IBS Alternative Treatment
Psychological Therapies
Managing stress is a key component to limiting painful bouts of IBS. Therapies, such as relaxation techniques, meditation and biofeedback, can help keep stress levels low. This is one of the best alternative treatments for IBS to manage symptoms. Using these techniques to reduce pain and cramping also relieves the anxiety felt by people with IBS, allowing them to have fewer episodes.
Food, along with stress, being physically active and changes in hormone levels on certain days, can result in an IBS flare. Foods that stimulate the digestive system, cause gas, and are high in fat should be avoided by people with IBS. Stimulants, Sorbitol and fructose sugars can cause cramping and diarrhea. Stay away from gas producing foods, such as cabbage, beans and broccoli. Choose foods, such as oatmeal, rice, potatoes, white meat and soy products. They contain soluble fiber, which is easier on the digestive system. Avoid eating insoluble fiber foods, which include bran whole wheat and whole grains, on an empty stomach. Eat small, regular meals throughout the day for easier digestion and drink at least eight glasses of water per day.
Certain herbs are helpful in calming the symptoms of IBS. Using herbs as an IBS alternative treatment together with conventional treatments, can be effective in easing the symptoms of IBS. Peppermint oil is good for the pain and bloating because it gets rid of excess gas and calms spasms in the intestines. Meadowsweet is helpful if diarrhea is a symptom. For constipation, try Yellowdock.
Exercise is important to maintain health, reduce the severity of IBS symptoms and stimulate bowel movements for people who are constipated. Walking is the best form of exercise for relieving constipation, while yoga will help relieve gastrointestinal symptoms, including pain, cramping and gas. Stress and depression can be reduced by the increase of serotonin levels that exercise produces.
Heat is comforting to someone experiencing pain, gas, spasms and cramping of IBS. A heating pad or hot water bottle placed on the abdomen can relieve the symptoms, as well as a hot bath. Buy a bottle of castor oil, apply to the abdominal area and cover with plastic or a cloth. Put a heating pad or hot water bottle on top for 30 to 60 minutes for pain and cramping.