Home Remedy for Stomach Pain From Gas
Ingest Ginger
Ginger root's medicinal uses include curing abdominal cramps, diarrhea and nausea. It's no surprise then that ginger root, also called Jamaica ginger also cures stomach gas. For the most complete medicinal cure, it's best not to boil the root, but to take ginger tea, ginger capsules or just swallow it in small pieces with water if you can stand the strong taste.
Avoid Dairy
If stomach gas is very painful and happens to you on a regular basis, it's possible you are lactose intolerant. Many people become lactose intolerant during certain stages in life, after becoming vegetarian, for example. You may want to gradually increase the amount of protein you ingest and then try adding dairy in small amounts and infrequently, so that your body can get accustomed to digesting complex proteins again. Even if you are not lactose intolerant, many cheeses, as well as whole milk, can be very difficult to digest. Avoid dairy for a few days and then start with low-fat yogurt, which is already partially broken down, and soft cheeses.
Take Charcoal Tablets
Activated charcoal tablets can be very effective for calming stomach gas. They calm the stomach by absorbing abdominal gas molecules. They are not FDA-approved for this use, and it sounds strange to ingest charcoal, but they have been marketed for this purpose and are actually a time-tested home remedy for gas. They can be purchased from most major health food store chains and some grocery stores.