Spastic Colon IBS Information

Spastic colon and irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, are the same condition. With this condition, there is no evidence of disease, but there are symptoms. Women are more prone to this condition to men, and people who get IBS usually do so by the time they're in their 20s. IBS is a condition of the large intestine, and it can cause diarrhea and constipation; usually, you will have one or the other, but you can have both. It is definitely treatable, especially with lifestyle changes, and with IBS there are no worries that it will ever turn into something worse such as cancer.
  1. Symptoms

    • Signs and symptoms of this disease can come and go. You will likely have cramping or pain in your abdomen; once you go to the bathroom, this pain may lessen or go away. Either constipation or diarrhea will reign, or you could possibly fluctuate between the two. You might notice mucus in your stool. You might have a bloated feeling in your abdominal area, in turn, having a lot of gas. You may feel like you have to get to the bathroom very quickly, and even after you go, you may feel that urge again.

      These symptoms can be worse when you experience change such as if you're traveling or out of your normal daily routine. Foods you eat also may trigger symptoms. Women may report more symptoms of IBS while they are having their periods.


    • Doctors have not found one specific cause for IBS, but there are things that seem to trigger the condition. It's possible that you might have inherited the condition. Stress seems to play a role, especially from changes in normal routine. There is a possible link between too much serotonin in the colon and IBS as well; if you have the higher levels of serotonin, you have receptors in your colon that are more responsive to pain. There is also a link between bacterial infections in the colon and IBS such as first acquiring gastroenteritis, then showing symptoms of IBS. Certain foods may irritate the condition; some patients with IBS have a condition known as celiac disease, and foods that have gluten cannot be consumed because they can't digest the gluten. Alcohol may also be a cause of constipation. You might want to avoid soda because it can cause a lot of gas. Smoking may also play a role. It's possible that your colon could have a problem processing lactose, found in dairy products.


    • Your doctor will probably want to test you just to make sure that you are not suffering from something else, since the symptoms of this condition can mimic other more serious conditions. He might order a scope test so that he can take a look around inside your intestines; this is called a colonoscopy. A CT scan will provide images of your organs. He may order stool tests and blood tests as well. If your tests are all negative for other disease and you have had the symptoms for approximately 12 weeks, your doctor may diagnose you with IBS.


    • IBS really has no cure. It's through preventative care that you can find the most relief from the symptoms. Knowing which foods and beverages bring on symptoms and cause a lot of gas will help you to avoid them. Adding fiber to your diet can help to bulk up your stool and increase movement through your colon, easing both constipation and diarrhea. Some of the best ways to add fiber to your diet is by eating foods high in fiber such as fruits and veggies, whole grains and beans; you can also take a supplement like Metamucil or Citrucel.

      The doctor may have you take a medicine like Imodium if your diarrhea is really bothersome. He might also prescribe a medicine such as Bentyl or Hyoscyamine to help reduce the spasms in your colon; this medicine will usually be taken before you eat.

      Since stress can help to aggravate or cause a flare-up of symptoms, it's important for you to find ways of relieving your stress. Find a hobby that you enjoy and schedule time in every week for that hobby. Exercise regularly as this can help to relieve stress. Get involved in a yoga class. Try using visual imagery to help you relax, even if you only have a few moments. Visualize a place you want to be at and close your eyes. As you visualize that beach, for example, feel yourself begin to relax, starting at the top of your head and working your way down your body to your feet and toes. This is a very effective technique to help you relax and live more stress-free.

    Naturopathic Remedies

    • Acupuncture is one form of treatment that might help your body to relax more; in turn, it will help your colon to relax and possibly help with the spasms. Certain herbs such as peppermint also will help to relax the spasms in your colon. Of course, before you take any kind of herbal remedy, you need to talk to your doctor; some herbs can react with certain medications. Eating yogurt is very beneficial to your colon as it is filled with probiotics, which help to replace the good bacteria in your intestines, thus helping to give you some relief from IBS.

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