How to Wear Diapers to Work
Choose thicker diapers that will provide better protection such as Abena or Molicare. This will help prevent leaks that can be embarrassing when wearing diapers to work for incontinence.
Wear dark colors. Dark colors will better camouflage that you are wearing diapers to work. In addition, dark colors tend to make people look thinner. You get both benefits.
Wear an undershirt or light t-shirt under your dress blouses and shirts. Tuck the shirt in and it will conceal you are wearing an adult diaper to work when you bend over.
Take an extra adult diaper with you to work. This will help in case of emergencies. This will prevent you from having to spend the day in a mess when you are wearing diapers to work for health reasons.
Be self-confident. Everyone has problems that they have to deal with on a daily basis. If you're worried others will notice you wearing diapers to work, it will make the entire situation more noticeable. If you're self-confident, no-one will even notice that you have on an adult diaper.