Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet Plan
High Fiber
A high fiber diet can improve intestines and alleviate diarrhea and constipation. IBS suffers should get 25-30 grams of fiber a day, which can be found in prunes, apples, beans and citrus fruits, whole grain breads, and vegetables. Individuals with IBS can also take psyllium, found in many supplements such as Metamucil, that can be added to foods and drinks.
Individuals who have IBS should consume eight 8-ounce glasses of liquids a day, which can reduce constipation. Water is naturally detoxifying and helps refresh and hydrate the organs such as the intestines. This can also include diluted tea and some juices.
Three Meals
A standard meal plan should be rich in fiber, low in fat, and limited dairy. Those who have IBS should be sure to eat three meals a day and two or three snacks. Some foods that someone with IBS can eat include: whole-grain bread and cereals, low fat cheese, lean meat, beans, vegetables, and fruit.
Foods To Avoid with IBS
One particular food does not cause IBS, but certain foods can aggravate the disorder and make people feel worse. Drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, and soft drinks should be limited, as well as refined and processed foods such as white bread, dairy, alcohol, fat, chocolate, and cookies. These foods can cause intestines to contract, which may cause cramping, gas, and diarrhea.
Calm Conditions
Eating quickly and under stressful situations can aggravate the intestines and cause bowel problems. IBS sufferers should eat slowly and in a relaxing environment to reduce symptoms.
Food Diary
IBS suffers should track what they eat and how it makes them feel in a food diary. Since every IBS suffer is different, food may have a different effect on each person. Knowing what aggravates the intestines can help people with IBS know what their trigger foods are so they can avoid them.