How to Improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Your Diet

Irritable bowel syndrome is different for every person that has it. For some it produces cramping and diarrhea, while for others it manifests with bloating and constipation. Either way, it is very uncomfortable and distressing to the person who suffers from it. Rather than medications that can lead to further health problems, the best way to deal with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is by making dietary changes. Watching your diet, will improve your symptoms.

Things You'll Need

  • Journal Soluble fiber foods Water
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      Get a journal and write down everything you eat. Add to your journal entry if, and how, the food affected you. Being able to recognize what foods affect you negatively is the first step in changing your diet to improve IBS.

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      Eat foods high in soluble fiber. Whether your IBS symptoms include diarrhea or constipation, soluble fiber helps regulate digestion. Soluble fiber foods include rice, potatoes, oatmeal, carrots, squash and bananas. Soluble fiber absorbs excess water in the intestinal tract and helps regulate intestinal contractions, preventing cramping. Avoid insoluble fiber foods such as cauliflower and vegetables from the cabbage family, wheat products and fruits.

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      Eat smaller meals more often. Allowing your stomach to empty between meals makes it more sensitive to the next meal, and eating a large meal will make your more vulnerable to an IBS attack episode.

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      Cut your food into smaller portions before eating. This includes snacks such as nuts or dried fruit. Since IBS sufferers typically have a more sensitive stomach, the smaller portions are easier on the digestive system.

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      Drink lots of water throughout the day, but not with your meals. Drinking with your meals can dilute the digestive juices of the stomach and cause food to sit there longer than it should, causing intestinal irritation.

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      Cut down on (or eliminate) coffee, caffeinated sodas, alcohol and chocolate. All contain caffeine which dehydrates the body and impairs the function of the digestive tract.

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