How to Use Super Colon Cleanse
Read over the directions on the label of the bottle. Familiarize yourself with all of the steps and procedures of the directed use. Super Colon Cleanse contains herbs, milk-free acidophilus and psyllium husk powder to remove the toxins from your colon and body that don't normally come out in a bowel movement or when using regular Colon Cleanse.
Take four capsules of Super Colon Cleanse three times a day each day while you are cleansing your system. This is the recommended dosage for an adult. A child under 12 years old should take two capsules of Super Colon Cleanse three times a day.
Drink at least 12 ounces of water or juice with each dose of Super Colon Cleanse. People who don't drink enough fluid when taking these capsules sometimes experience choking, according to the manufacturer.
Watch for diarrhea, loose stool or any kind of pain in your abdominal area while taking Super Colon Cleanse. This can be a sign that there is something more significant going on. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should stop taking Super Colon Cleanse immediately.
Use Super Colon Cleanse only periodically. It is not meant for constant use. The manufacturer of Super Colon Cleanse recommends using the pills only occasionally, while using the regular Colon Cleanse for maintenance in between uses of Super Colon Cleanse.