How to Control Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS
Things You'll Need
- A list of the proper foods to eat.
- A list of the unhealthy foods not to eat - trigger foods.
- Probiotics
- Soil-based organisms
- Yeast destroying products
- Apple Cider Vinegar with the "Mother".
- Goat Yogurt
- Olive Leaf products
- Flaxseed Meal
Lessen stress. Many people suffering from IBS experience more intense symptoms during particularly stressful times in their lives. Exercise, meditation or even just getting the right amount of sleep can help you to relax and decrease some aspects of IBS.
Add fiber to your diet slowly. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans are especially effective in relieving constipation. Use a fiber supplement instead if these foods make your symptoms worse.
Drink water. Six to eight glasses of water per day will help to keep you hydrated even when you have diarrhea.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol because these substances can aggravate your symptoms.
Refrain from drinking through straws or chewing gum so that you minimize the amount of air that you swallow.