How to Get a Capsule Endoscopy to Test for Crohn's Disease
Things You'll Need
- Gastroenterologist
- Insurance authorization or other funding source
- Accompanying friend/family member
Research Capsule Endoscopy For Crohn's Disease
Speak to your gastroenterologist about whether you are a good candidate for the video capsule endoscopy procedure. Patients who have narrowing or obstruction of the intestine risk the possibility of having the capsule get stuck. This can make the obstruction worse and invalidate the results of the test. Additionally, it's possible that patients with cardiac implants can experience electrical interference between the camera and their pacemakers.
Contact your insurance company to see whether they will cover the cost of this procedure. You will need to obtain pre-authorization for the procedure. Video capsule endoscopy is an expensive and cutting edge procedure that few insurance companies will reimburse if there is a less expensive and comparable test available.
Explore other options of funding for the test if your insurance company won't cover it. Check to see if the doctor or medical center has a payment plan, a fund for such situations or whether there is a research study in which you can participate.
Prepare to Get a Capsule Endoscopy
Make an appointment for the test and arrange to be available for approximately 12 hours. Bring a friend or family member with you to the initial appointment (when you will swallow the imaging capsule), as you may receive sedation and be unable to drive.
Stop taking any vitamins containing iron the week before your procedure and begin a liquid diet the day before the test. You may ingest black tea and coffee, broth, clear juices and gelatin (except for red). After midnight you shouldn't eat or drink anything at all.
Bring any medications you take in the morning with you to your appointment. You will be able to take them a few hours after you swallow the capsule.
Get a Capsule Endoscopy to Test For Crohn's Disease
Arrive at the laboratory and fill out any necessary paperwork. Bring your insurance authorization with you if you have one.
Swallow the capsule and let medical personnel hook up the sensors on your abdomen. You will wear the receiver (data recorder) and battery pack around your waist for the next 8 hours.
Leave the medical center and wait 2 hours before ingesting anything. After that time you may have some clear liquids and, after 4 hours, you can have a light meal.
Return to the medical center 8 hours after ingesting the capsule to have the data recorder and sensors removed. The capsule is disposable and will be excreted in a bowel movement within the next day or so. Let the doctor know if the capsule has not passed, as in rare situations it may need to be removed in an alternative way.