How to Treat Colitis With Pain Relievers
Select Pain Relievers to Treat Colitis
Obtain a measure of relief when the treatment includes anti-inflammatory drugs. While anti-inflammatory drugs are not prescribed as pain relievers for colitis, the reduction in inflammation results in reducing the amount of pain during a flareup.
Use steroids to reduce inflammation, which decreases the amount of pain during an episode of colitis. Steroids are for short-term use as pain control for colitis.
Take acetaminophen (Tylenol) to treat colitis with mild pain.
Find antidiarrheal medications as part of the regimen of pain relievers to treat an episode of colitis. Diarrhea irritates the colon which causes increased pain. Controlling diarrhea reduces one source of pain.
Use laxatives to reduce the constipating effect of swollen intestines. As the ulcerative colitis progresses, swelling of the intestines makes it difficult to have a normal bowel movement. Occasionally a laxative is needed for pain relief.
Consider a cordicosteroid enema to help reduce the swelling and itching from ulcerative colitis and proctitis. Reduction of swelling in the intestines is necessary to achieve a degree of pain control for colitis.
Participate in a clinical trial at the Mayo Clinic for ulcerative colitis (see Resources below). Research continues for pain relievers and treatment for colitis.
Treat the underlying cause of colitis along with pain relievers. If an antibiotic has irritated the lining of the intestine causing a flareup of colitis, ask your doctor to change the antibiotic.
Consider surgery to remove the colon as a last resort in pain control for ulcerative colitis. This is a radical measure which requires either an ostomy or a procedure to connect the small intestine and the anus.