How to Find Support for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Call your local hospital and ask for the community education department. Ask about a local IBS support group.
Ask your gastroenterologist about a local IBS support group.
Use the online message boards and support groups available to IBS sufferers. Search the Internet with keywords like "irritable bowel syndrome" or "ibs" and "message boards" or "forum."
Seek out new friends that you meet at your gastroenterologist's office. Half of all visits to the gastroenterologist are related to IBS. So you have a 50-50 chance of meeting a fellow IBS sufferer sitting right next to you in the doctor's waiting room. If you meet someone you really connect with, discuss forming your own IBS support group.
Talk to your pharmacist. The person who distributes your medications is a walking encyclopedia - she meets hundreds of patients just like you every day and speaks to dozens of doctors and nurses each week. Pharmacists are a tremendous - but underutilized - resource.
Go to your local YWCA or continuing education center. Sign up for relaxation classes, yoga lessons and/or self-help instruction. Although these courses are not designed specifically for IBS sufferers, you will meet many people just like you who need to learn how to relax and reduce stress.