How to Diagnose Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Consider seeing a gastroenterologist if you're having chronic diarrhea, constipation and/or frequent gastrointestinal pain.
Describe your GI symptoms in great detail to your doctor: frequency of bowel movements, color and consistency of stool, if your abdominal pain is relieved by defecation and/or passing gas, any mucus in your stool, the sensation of incomplete evacuation after you've defecated.
Agree to have a routine digital rectal examination. This allows the doctor to feel for rectal tenderness, a fully emptied rectum and/or hard, firm stool.
Save a stool specimen for your doctor to examine for hidden blood, parasites, bacteria and white blood cells.
Have a proctosigmoidoscopy. This allows the gastroenterologist to see as much as 60 centimeters up into your intestine.
Prepare for a barium enema if your physician orders one. This allows your doctor to see your entire intestine.
Understand that these tests will rule out other bowel diseases such as cancer, polyps and infectious processes. Your doctor must rule out all other bowel diseases before diagnosing IBS.
Understand that a diagnosis of IBS will be based on your symptoms and the negative results of your laboratory tests.