Librax Information & Side Effects
Mild Side Effects
Mild side effects that don't usually result in a patient stopping Librax usage include dizziness, lightheadedness, drowsiness, clumsiness, confusion, nervousness and trouble sleeping. Gastrointestinal side effects, which may overlap with some of the symptoms that Librax is meant to treat, include constipation and nausea.
Serious Side Effects
Less common, though more serious, side effects may occur with Librax. These include swelling of the lips, face or tongue, which may impede respiration; chest tightness; irregular heartbeat or palpitations; trouble focusing eyes; uncontrolled muscle movements; vomiting; yellow color in eyes or skin, which indicates liver dysfunction; syncope; decreased urination; mood changes or unusual physical weakness. Consult your doctor or, if necessary, contact emergency medical services if you experience any of these symptoms.
Drug Interactions
Certain drugs do not interact well with Librax. Certain antifungal medications, specifically medications that end in “azole,” increase the sedation when take with Librax. Antacids decrease the efficacy of Librax, though they may be used if taken more than one hour before or more than two hours after a Librax dose. Rifampin also decreases the effectiveness of Librax.
Librax can increase both the normal effects and side effects of the following drugs: anticoagulants, beta-blockers and sodium oxybate. Do not take these medications while using Librax. Alcohol can intensify drowsiness when taken with Librax.
The safety and efficacy of Librax for children has not been proven. Closely monitor elderly patients on Librax, as they may exhibit more sensitivity to Librax side effects, particularly confusion, drowsiness and coordination problems. Librax possesses the potential to harm fetal development, so pregnant women should not take it. Librax shows up in breast milk also, so women who breast feed should not take Librax.