Magnesium Oxide and Crohn's Disease
What Is Crohn's Disease?
Crohn's disease is an immune system disease. The National Digestive Diseases Clearinghouse (NDDCH) classifies it as a gastorintestinal tract disease because it causes inflammation of the intestines and bowels.
According to the NDDCH, Crohn's disease is believed to be caused by an overly aggressive immune system. White blood cells attack food or bacteria in the intestines as if they were disease agents; chronic attacks by the immune system cause inflammation and irritation in the lower intestine and bowel areas.
Magnesium Oxide and Nutrition
People with Crohn's disease may suffer from malnutrition. The disease often causes diarrhea; excessive diarrhea can lead to loss of nutrients. According to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, magnesium oxide can help replace some of the nutritional deficiencies. Most Crohn's sufferers can get sufficient magnesium by altering their diet, but some people may need to take a magnesium supplement.
Magnesium and Crohn's Symptoms
A 1983 study involving grazing animals showed that animal ingestion of magnesium oxide aided in digestion. Since Crohn's disease is primarily a digestion problem, it makes sense for sufferers to increase magnesium uptake in order to aid digestion.
According to, magnesium oxide may cause diarrhea. Since Crohn's disease already causes diarrhea, sufferers should talk to their doctors before taking a supplement.
Getting Magnesium Oxide from Diet
Magnesium is found in many grains and breads. People seeking to increase their magnesium intake should eat breads, cereals, nuts, and soybeans.
Other Treatments
Magnesium oxide by itself is rarely a sufficient treatment. Most Crohn's disease sufferers must also take anti-inflammatory medication as well as immuno-suppressive drugs. NDCCH says that in two-thirds to three-quarters of cases, the sufferer will have to have surgery. Doctors sometimes remove inflamed parts of the colon or the entire colon to treat the disease. Inflammation can also cause blockages and intestinal damage, requiring surgical correction.