How To Help Symptoms of IBS
Managing IBS
Learn how to relax. There's a connection between anxiety and IBS, and being stressed or anxious increases the likelihood of diarrhea. Slow down intestinal contractions and ward off loose bowels by practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and by getting regular exercise and enough sleep.
Add fluids. Drink eight glasses of water daily to prevent hard, infrequent stools and relieve symptoms associated with constipation: bloating, gas and pain.
Ditch fat. Fatty foods are difficult to digest with irritable bowel syndrome. Watch your fat intake and lower your consumption of fast foods, fried foods and red meat.
Cut out spicy foods and caffeine. Certain foods and drinks can trigger abdominal pain and diarrhea. If symptoms develop shortly after consuming a spicy meal or drinking a caffeinated beverage, exclude these items and/or ingredients from your diet to see if your condition improves.
Eat fiber. Take a fiber supplement or eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day to stop constipation and regulate bowels.
Watch out for artificial sweetners. Sweetners found in sugar-free drinks, candy and other foods can bring on diarrhea and gas pain in IBS sufferers. Avoid these ingredients to improve symptoms of irritable bowel.