Prevention of Contrast-Induced Renal Failure
Risk Factors
If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, have suffered from renal failure previously, have recently undergone a kidney transplant, or have any other difficulties with your kidneys you should be particularly careful when undergoing any imaging procedure that uses contrast dyes. According to an article published on, contrast dyes are primarily used in MRI scans and other procedures needed to view blocked blood vessels. CIN occurs when the imaging dyes become toxic to the kidneys and inhibit their ability to filter wastes from the bloodstream. If you've had any cardiovascular problems such as arteriosclerosis, heart attack, or even high blood pressure, you should make sure your radiologist is aware of these conditions.
Physician Awareness
Physicians are advised to examine the health of their patients' kidneys before having them undergo any procedure involving contrast dyes. The article "Medical Society Advises Physicians On How To Minimize Dangers Of Contrast Dye - To Prevent Kidney Damage After Imaging Procedures" also suggests physicians encourage their patients to properly hydrate before and after any contrast dye imaging, as enough water in the system can assist the kidneys in breaking down the dyes and flushing them out of the system. Finally, physicians should closely watch patients at a higher risk for developing CIN for at least 48 hours. This way, if complications do occur the physician can take the necessary steps to treat the condition as quickly and effectively as possible.
Patient Awareness
If you are about to undergo MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) or any other imagine procedure using contrast dyes, first make sure that your heart, circulatory system, and kidneys are in good health. If you've had previous complications involving your circulatory system or renal system, your radiologist and/or physician should consider that before administering the dye injection. Drink lots of water two days before the procedure and two days after. This will help keep you hydrated which will help your body eliminate the dyes more quickly and effectively.