Alcohol Abuse Effect on Kidneys
Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse can be defined as a continuation of excessive drinking regardless of social, legal or health consequences. According to the National institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), a person can abuse alcohol without being an alcoholic, if he drinks excessively but is not dependent upon alcohol.
Kidney Function
The kidneys are vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle---they remove waste and water from the blood, releasing hormones, controlling blood pressure, balancing chemicals and producing red blood cells.
Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol abuse can damage cells, says, and boost the chances of kidney failure by preventing the kidneys from maintaining a balance of minerals and body fluids, and impeding their filtering ability.
Factors that may influence and promote alcohol abuse include ethnicity, racial background, gender, age, education, employment, income and family history.
As reported by the NIAAA, for most adults, moderate alcohol use causes few, if any, problems. To avoid health problems later in life, imbibe in moderation or totally abstain.