How to Lose a Stone Fast
Natural remedies may help to pass the stone, or some basic common sense solutions may be the answer as well. No matter which process you use, passing the stone will help you go back to your everyday lifestyle.
Things You'll Need
- Vegetable juice
- Lemons
Drink two liters of water per day. Try distilled drinking water, which is cleared of bacteria and impurities. It also keeps from adding further sedimentation to your kidney stones. If you don't have distilled water, regular tap or bottled water will suffice.
Add lemons to your water. Lemons are a water-soluble fiber that help flush the body. Lemons also possess citric acid, which help dissolve calcium-based stones.
Get creative by making your own lemonade, combining lemon juice, water and sweetener.
Drink vegetable juice. Vegetables contain citrates that help in reducing uric acid. Uric acid is a key factor in creating calcium buildup, a major component of kidney stones.
Drink 8 to 16 oz. of juice per day. In addition to vegetable juice, grape and orange juices offer the same citrates to battle kidney stones.
Exercising also can speed up the process of passing a stone by helping your body flush out impurities, calcium deposits and toxins. Plus, exercising makes you thirsty, so you'll want to drink more water.
Create a home remedy by mixing 2 oz. olive oil with 2 oz. lemon juice. Drink once daily. Also try drinking a mixture of 2 oz. of apple cider with water. It's thought to relieve the urinary tract and help to pass the stone.