What Are the Symptoms of Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease will not normally show any symptoms until it has advanced. Kidney disease leads to kidney failure. Kidney failure can be fatal. All symptoms should be taken seriously.
  1. Changes in Urination

    • Kidney disease can lead to changes in urination, including frequency and color. Urine may also seem bubbly or foamy.


    • A patient's entire body may begin to swell as the kidneys fail. The extremities are normally the first to swell and will show the most swelling.

    Breath/Taste Changes

    • Patients may have a metallic taste in their mouth when kidneys begin to fail. Patients may also complain of bad breath.

    Feeling Cold

    • Kidney disease can lead to anemia, which will make patients feel cold all of the time.


    • Some patients complain of pain in the back or side that corresponds to the affected kidney.

    Shortness of Breath

    • Shortness of breath can be a symptom of kidney disease in two ways. Excess fluid buildup can lead to fluid in the lungs, and anemia makes it harder for your blood to carry oxygen to the organs.

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