Low Potassium Treatment
Meats and Dairy
Milk, soy milk, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, cheese, dried beans and peas are high in potassium. This means that foods made with a crème or cheese sauce should be avoided along with ice cream, pudding and yogurt. Individuals may enjoy ½ cup of milk daily with their breakfast cereal or 1 oz. of cheese. Meat in general is a rich source of potassium and must be limited to 5 oz. daily. Note that 3 oz. of meat is equal in size to a deck of cards.
Dried fruit, orange, banana, cantaloupe, honeydew, apricot, mango, papaya and prune juice are very high in potassium and should be avoided. Fruits are generally a high source of potassium so even good choices should be limited to two, ½ cup servings daily and juice to one, ½ cup serving daily. Better choices of fruits include applesauce, apple, blueberries, canned peaches, mandarin oranges, raspberries, grapes, pears, tangerines and fruit cocktail. Better choices of juice include apple, cherry, strawberry, peach, pineapple, mandarin and grape juice.
Artichoke, bamboo shoots, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Chinese cabbage, corn on the cob, mushrooms, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes and winter squash are very high in potassium and should be avoided. Vegetables are generally a high source of potassium, so like fruit even good choices should be limited. Individuals may select two, ½ cup servings daily of cauliflower, cucumber, green beans, jicama, cabbage and iceberg lettuce and leeks or one, ½ cup serving daily of asparagus, canned beets, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, frozen corn, onions, peas, yellow beans or zucchini.
Grains that are high in potassium include whole grain cereals, pastas and crackers; breads that are made from whole grains, bran, dark rye, pumpernickel, ginger bread or granola and those containing nuts. Individuals are encouraged to consume cereals such as puffed rice or cornflakes, breads such as white, French or sour dough; white crackers, breads, pastas and rice. Acceptable snack items include 3 cups of popcorn, white or yellow cake and vanilla wafers.
Miscellaneous Items
Soy sauce, molasses, coconut, chocolate and salt substitutes are also high in potassium and should be avoided. Mrs. Dash, fresh herbs, lemon juice and lime juice are good options for adding flavor to foods. Individuals are encouraged to seek the help of a Registered Dietitian to help them plan healthy meals that meet their low potassium dietary requirements. The West Michigan Diet Manual was used as a resource in identifying the high and low potassium food and beverages listed throughout this article.