Improvement of Kidney Function
Healthy Diet
Your kidneys are affected by what you eat. If your diet is high in salt, fat or sugar, your kidneys have to work harder to remove the additional waste that is created from these ingredients from your blood. The harder your kidneys have to work, the more strain is put on them. For optimum kidney function, eat foods that are low in fat and high in nutrients. Pack your diet with lean meat, fresh vegetables and whole grains.
Drinking water is essential to the healthy function of most of the body's organ systems. Kidneys function to remove waste products from the blood. Water helps this happen by flushing waste out of the urinary system and preventing the formation of kidney stones. Drinking water also prevents urinary tract infections, which can lead to kidney infections.
Maintain Health Weight
Obesity is a major risk factor in kidney disease because it can lead to type 2 diabetes. Diabetes causes excess glucose or sugar in the blood. If the glucose levels are high for an extended period, it can cause damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys and prevent them from functioning. You can improve kidney function by maintaining a healthy weight.
Medication can improve kidney function. Those who have been diagnosed with kidney disease are already losing kidney function. After a kidney disease diagnosis, the physician may prescribe medication to counteract it. If the kidneys' loss of function causes an increase in blood pressure, the physician may prescribe blood pressure medication to stabilize it. If the kidneys are malfunctioning and causing excess fluid in the body, the physician may prescribe a diuretic.
Nutritional Supplements
Various dietary supplements can also improve kidney function. Grapeseed extract contains antioxidants that help fight off infection and reduce the effects of pain or inflammation. Another supplement used to promote kidney health is horsetail, a plant that contains a nutrient called silica. Silica stimulates collagen production in the body, which helps to strengthens connective tissue, skin and bone. Silica is also good for preventing kidney stones and urinary tract infections. You may also want to consider taking milk thistle because it contains silymarin. Milk thistle is helpful in clearing the kidneys of toxins.