Risks of Kidney Dialysis
Dialysis temporarily cleans the blood and maintains the balance of fluids and chemicals that are necessary for the body to function. However, dialysis must be continuously and regularly repeated for as long as the person with kidney failure lives. It also must be supported by diet and medications. There are two types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
During hemodialysis, a machine is used to filter the blood. One tube carries blood out of the body and into a filter called a dialyzer. The dialyzer removes wastes, extra salt and water, and then clean blood is returned to the body through another tube. The dialyzer is also connected to another machine---a hemodialysis machine---that monitors the blood flow and removes wastes from the dialyzer. Hemodialysis takes about 3 to 5 hours and must be repeated several times a week. This procedure is usually done in a medical center, but after the physician implants permanent access to a vein and artery, it can be done at home. Doing hemodialysis at home enables shorter, daily dialysis. But it can not be done alone, so a partner must always be present.
Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal dialysis is a process in which a liquid called a dialysis solution goes through a tube into the abdomen, the fluid stays in the body for several hours and absorbs wastes, then it is drained and the process is repeated with a clean solution. There are two types of peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and continuous cycler-assisted peritoneal dialysis (CCPD). Both of these types can be done alone at home but CCPD uses a machine to exchange the fluid several times during the night.
One of the most common complications related to hemodialysis is trouble with vascular access. Other complications are infection, blockage of the tubes from blood clotting and poor blood flow. All of these can disrupt the process of hemodialysis, especially if accessing veins and arteries becomes a problem because that can take time and surgery to correct. The act of disrupting dialysis becomes yet another added risk that could quickly progress into an emergency medical situation. Some complications arise as a result of treatment. The changes in water and chemicals can cause low blood pressure and muscle cramping. The most frequent complication related to peritoneal dialysis is an abdominal infection called peritonitis. Peritonitis can be caused by an infection in the area where the tube enters the body or from contamination that occurs through the tube.
Other variables can help to reduce the risks of dialysis. One of the most important is to follow specific diet recommendations. The amount of salt and water consumed will have to be reduced and the amount of protein and potassium in the diet will have to be carefully monitored. Additionally, it is very important to take whatever medications the physician prescribes to ensure all the functions of the kidney are being maintained.