How to Heal Kidney Stones
Things You'll Need
- Apple cider vinegar
- Kava-kava tablets
- Olive oil
- Lemons
Drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Drinking plenty of water daily can soften existing kidney stones while preventing new ones from developing. Drinking enough water will also cleanse your urinary system of any trace kidney stones that may have broken down.
Drink apple cider vinegar daily. This type of vinegar is very acidic. It may help break down your kidney stones and allow them to easily pass out of your body through your urine. Dilute 6 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. Drink the mixture twice daily, preferably 30 minutes before meals.
Drink lemon juice mixed with olive oil. The high acidity of the lemon juice breaks down the crystal aggregations while the olive oil soothes and lubricates your urethral passages, clearing your urethral passages of kidney stones. In a clean glass, add 3 freshly squeezed lemons and 2 oz. of olive oil. Drink straight down, wait five minutes for the solution to go down your throat and follow with one glass of water. Do this every day.
Eat plenty of fruits rich in citrates. Citrates prevent kidney stones from increasing in size while preventing calcium from building up in your kidneys. Fruits rich in citrates include tomatoes, oranges, grapes and bananas. Eat at least 3 cups of these types of fruits every day.
Take kava-kava herb in tablet form. This potent herb is a calcium channel blocker relaxes your urethra and relieves the spasms and discomfort caused by the presence of kidney stones. The recommended dosage is one 120 mg tablet once daily.