What Natural Herbs Help Dissolve Kidney Stones?
Juniper Berries
Juniper berries work to kill bacteria in the kidneys and bladder by stimulating the organs. As the bacteria is killed, crystallization that causes kidney stones breaks apart, flushing the waste out of the system.
Dandelion Leaf
Dandelion leaf is used for a number of health issues, including kidney stone problems. This leaf stimulates the kidneys, and should be taken in the fully grown form, as these contain the largest amount of organ-stimulating phytochemicals. These can be purchased from an herb and supplement store, but should not be taken from any chemically treated lawns.
Parsley Root and Leaf
Parsley is also a body detoxifier, and works to flush the kidneys and breaks up kidney stone crystallization. Incorporate parsley into your daily diet as much as possible, and make sure to use fresh, organic parsley that has not been chemically treated in any form.
Thyme, Knotgrass, Alfalfa, Dill and Fennel
Thyme and knotgrass are two herbs that commonly come in the form of a tea and should be ingested twice daily. These herbs are high in magnesium, along with alfalfa, dill and fennel. All of these herbs are readily available in tea and juice form. If drinking the juice, take 1 tsp. of each juice each day.
Lifestyle Changes
It is also important to consider a few lifestyle changes when looking to avoid kidney stone problems. Obesity and poor diet are two major factors in kidney stone development, so it is essential to maintain a healthy weight for your body height, and also incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible into your daily diet. These foods provide important nutrients to the body, while also flushing out toxins and speeding up the digestive process.