Black Walnut Tincture for Kidney Infections
The black walnut tree grows widely throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. The tree can grow up to 100 feet tall and bears many tennis ball sized nuts that are encased in lime green hulls. The inner bark, leaves, husks and nuts are used for medicinal purposes.
The black walnut has been used medicinally by the ancient Greeks and Romans, Native Americans, Chinese and other peoples for hundreds of years. The husk was used by pioneers to dye cloth, promote elimination and ease tooth aches. A tincture made from the black walnut husk can treat the symptoms of colic, intestinal ailments, ringworm, skin irritations, fungal infections and kidney infections. There are tannins in the husk that can cause adverse reactions, so care must be used when taking black walnut tincture.
A tincture is a liquid extract made by soaking herbs or plant parts in a drinkable alcohol to get the required strength. To make a tincture, take several walnuts that are still encased in their green husk and wash them. Then place them in a large bowl and pour enough vodka or rum to fully cover the walnuts. Place the covered bowl in a dark cupboard or closet and let them soak for two to three weeks. After the walnuts have soaked the required time, pour the liquid through cheesecloth to strain out any unwanted bits of walnut husk. Store the liquid in a clean jar in the refrigerator or in a dark, cool cupboard.
Signs and symptoms of a kidney infection can include intense low back pain, fever, difficultly urinating, and painful, burning urination. Kidney infections can be dangerous and you must contact a doctor immediately if you have these symptoms. Kidney infections can also be silent with few or no symptoms and are often found during routine examinations.
Take one shot glass full of walnut tincture mixed with juice twice a day. Care must always be used when using an alternative or herbal remedy as allergic and adverse reactions can occur. The black walnut tincture is said to help detox and cleanse the kidneys, therefore, preventing kidney infections and curing silent infections.