24-hour Kidney Stone Cure
Causes and Symptoms
Kidney stones are formed when the kidney cannot break down certain chemicals found in foods such as uric acid or calcium oxalate into urine as the chemicals crystallize into stones that pass through the urinary system. Treatments for kidney stones focus either on helping the body removing or reducing these chemicals.
Kidney stone pain can be recognized with a stabbing pain in the lower sides of the abdomen above the pelvis where the kidneys reside, with the pain eventually moving to the bladder and urethra as the stone moves through the urinary tract.
Given enough time, most kidney stones will be passed through urine. Drinking water helps the digestive system create more urine and increases the chance of passing existing stones. At least eight to 10 glasses of water per day are recommended on an onset of a kidney stone attack.
Dietary Tips
Foods low in stone-producing chemicals help speed the urination process while preventing the development of new stones. These foods include most fruits and vegetables, while meats, processed foods, nuts and alcohol are to be limited or avoided.
In mild cases, the pain from a stone can be reduced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen to the point were a patient can pass them on his or her own.
Doctors may also prescribe medications that help correct the chemical balance of urine such as Urocit-K and Allopurinol.
With some types of stones, home remedies cannot offer relief and more aggressive treatment is needed. One such treatment is the use of sonic waves in a process called lithotripsy to break down the stones and make them easier to pass.
There are also more invasive surgeries that involve expanding the urethra to facilitate removal of the stone through the urinary tract or making a small incision in the skin above its location in the urinary tract to remove it manually.
Ask Your Doctor
Kidney stones vary with each person and incident, and it's best to get the opinion of your doctor to see what is the best method to take in addressing current attacks and preventing future ones.