What Are Treatments for Kidney Patients?
Symptoms of Kidney Problems
Chronic kidney problems can have a wide range of effects on the body, but these tend to begin after the damage has already taken its course. Signs that kidney function may be impaired include change in urination, bloating or swelling, exhaustion, change in appetite and weight, nausea or vomiting, changes in sleep patterns, headaches and cognitive impairment.
Dietary Changes for Kidney Patients
A balanced diet is vital for someone who has low kidney function. If one or both kidneys are impaired, the body cannot remove excess water, salt and potassium which need to be limited in one's diet. High potassium foods include bananas, apricots and salt substitutes. Decreasing protein and sodium consumption will help slow the progression of kidney problems and also control blood pressure.
Medications that may be prescribed for low kidney function include phosphorus medication, supplements or erythropoietin for the production of red blood cells and blood pressure medication. Blood pressure medication is used to reduce the progression of kidney damage as a result of high blood pressure. Such medications may include inhibitors, blockers, diuretics, beta blockers, calcium blockers, and vasodilators. It is common to try several types of medication before you find the right one. Iron replacement medications are taken because when the kidneys fail, they do not produce enough erythropoietin, which is a protein that stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood cells. Unfortunately, the use of medication cannot reverse the effects of kidney disease, but it can help reduce symptoms and complications, while preventing further damage.
Herbal Remedies for Kidney Patients
Although alternative treatments for kidney failure have shown promise in helping reduce symptoms, no long-term studies have been conducted as to their success. Some herbal remedies can be dangerous for kidney patients so it is important to use caution if you plan to try herbal remedies.
Kidney Dialysis
If the kidney fails, treatment is focused on dialysis or kidney replacement. The purpose of dialysis is to filter waste and cleanse the body. There are two types of dialysis currently available, including hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis removes water and salt and is meant to balance waste product. In this system, blood flows through the machine and is filtered to draw out impurities. In order to access the blood vessels for hemodialysis, a surgeon connects a large artery and vein in order to tolerate the needle sticks necessary for dialysis. In some cases, a catheter is inserted into a part of the body and is left in for a few weeks until a person's condition can be stabilized. Peritoneal dialysis is when the lining of the abdominal cavity via a catheter, which is used to diminish the amount of waste and create a balance of electrolytes. The dialysis solution is released in the catheter and left in the abdomen and is then emptied after a few hours.
Transplants for Kidney Patients
Kidney transplants can come from related or nonrelated donors. A patient will undergo testing to see if she is a good candidate for a kidney transplant, which includes an evaluation of the immune system. Transplantation often requires a week-long stay in the hospital. Recipients of a donor kidney will need to take immunosuppressants for the rest of their life so that the body does not reject the kidney.
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