Nutrition for Proper Kidney Function
Avoid sodium to help your kidneys function properly. High sodium diets lead to high blood pressure in those with normal blood pressure. In those patients who naturally have high blood pressure, it can make their conditions even harder to treat. The first step is to avoid table salt altogether. Then make an effort to seek out low sodium foods whenever you can. Salty snacks and processed meats like ham and bacon contain high levels of sodium and should be avoided.
You should also avoid potassium for proper kidney function. Even though your nerves and muscles need potassium to work, high potassium levels can prevent make muscles weak. The heart, a very important muscle, can slow or even stop from the effects of too much potassium. Kidneys remove excess potassium from the blood when they are working properly and overdoing it with the potassium can overwork your kidneys. Limit oranges, potatoes and tomatoes if you are watching your potassium intake.
Drinking lots of water is essential to the healthy function of most of the body's organ systems. Kidneys need water to help remove waste from the blood. If your body is dehydrated, the waste may form painful kidney stones that have to pass through your urethra to exit your body. Drinking lots of water also prevents urinary tract infections, which can lead to kidney infections if they worsen. You can improve your kidney function by drinking lots of water.
Phosphorus is a mineral that your bones need to stay strong. Healthy kidneys will keep the levels of phosphorus in your blood from getting to high. Too much phosphorus in your blood may overwork your kidneys and lead to kidney failure. When the kidneys stop working, the phosphorus levels get even higher and make your bones weak and brittle. To avoid too much phosphorus, you should limit your dairy and nut intake. Soft drinks are also full of phosphorus and should be avoided as well.
Numerous studies have shown that cigarettes are hazardous to nearly every aspect of your health. Your kidneys are no different. Smoking increases your blood pressure, which puts you at risk for kidney disease and failure. Smoking has also been linked to nearly every kind of cancer, including kidney cancer. Do not smoke and avoid second smoke as much as you can.