Herbs for Healthy Kidneys
Kidney-Healthy Herbs
Bearberry, also known s uva ursi, is an herbal supplement that is available in capsule form from your local health food store or drugstore. Purchase a bearberry supplement that contains 20 percent arbutin, which is an enzyme found in bearberry. Take two caplets of bearberry per day, which will create an antiseptic environment in the kidney to kill bacteria like Staphyloccocus and E. coli, both of which can harm the kidney and lower kidney function.
Parsley is a diuretic herb that increases the production of urine in the body and also prevents kidney stones from forming. This will increase urine production in order to rid the body of waste that may be accumulating due to poor kidney function or kidney stones. Parsley can be purchased in caplets and 800 milligrams can be consumed a day, or it can be mixed into the kidney cleanse recipe below.
Dr. Hulda Clark's Kidney Cleanse
Hulda Clark, a doctor specializing in kidney and liver function, created a kidney cleansing drink that is said rid the body of kidney sludge and improve kidney function using herbs. The kidney cleanse recipe calls for 1/2 cup organic gravel root, 1/2 cup organic dried hydrangea root, 1/2 cup organic marshmallow root, 8 ounces of black cherry concentrate and four bunches of fresh parsley. You may need to purchase the roots and cherry concentrate online or at a specialty store.
Soak the parsley thoroughly for 15 minutes, then place the parsley in a pot of boiling water for five minutes. Drink 1/4 cup of it as soon as it is cool enough, then strain out the parsley and throw the parsley away. Take half of each measurement of the roots and soak them overnight in a pot. Add 4 ounces of the black cherry concentrate, heat until the mixture boils and simmer it for 20 minutes. Drink 1/4 of a cup as soon as it is cool, then strain the rest and save it. You can throw the roots away. Drink 3/4 cup of the root mixture and 1/2 cup of the parsley mixture, mixed together, every day. Drink very slowly and do not drink if your stomach starts to hurt. Use the leftover herbs, parsley and cherry concentrate to make a new batch for the following week. Drink this mixture every day for two weeks and see a doctor if kidney function has not improved.