Describe the Human Kidney
The human body has two kidneys located on the lower back lateral to the spine. They are bean-shaped organs and are connected to the ureters, which take the waste product and send it to the bladder.
Filtration Overview
Normal, healthy human kidneys filter approximately 200 quarts of blood every day. The filtration process removes about 2 quarts of urea daily.
Main Parts
The main filtration of the blood happens in the nephron. Kidneys have about 1 million nephron that contain the glomerulus. The glomerulus are the parts of the kidney that filter the blood and return beneficial elements back to the body.
Hormone Release
In addition to filtration, kidneys also release three hormones--erythropoietin (bone marrow stimulation), renin (blood pressure regulation) and calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D).
Medical researchers and practitioners use the term "renal function." The term "renal" and "kidney" are synonymous. Renal function is used to describe the efficiency of the kidneys to filter waste.