Low Kidney Function Treatment
eGFR 30-59
An eGFR of between 30 and 59 range is considered a moderate decrease in kidney function. Hormones and minerals in the blood are askew and treatment can involve dietary alterations and medicinal supplements.
eGFR 15-29
An eGFR of between 15 and 29 is classified as a severe kidney reduction. The patient has the choice of hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. In hemodialysis, steps must be taken to make the patient's arms stronger and larger. For peritoneal dialysis, a catheter must be placed in the abdomen.
eGFR Below 15
An eGFR of below 15 is considered kidney failure. To maintain life, dialysis or kidney transplantation are the only options.
Steps to Slow Progression
In the early stages of kidney failure there are steps patients can take to make their kidneys last longer. Controlling your blood pressure with ACE inhibitors or ARBs, altering your diet (monitor protein, sodium, potassium and cholesterol), avoiding smoking and treating anemia (if relevant) are all steps you can take to slow the progression of kidney disease.