Signs & Symptoms of Kidney Ailments

The kidneys are two organs shaped like beans and are located on each side of the spine. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. The kidneys help to remove potentially harmful wastes from the blood by passing them out through the urine. The kidneys also help to regulate various substances in the body and help the body to maintain proper levels of water.
  1. Polycystic Kidney Disease

    • One type of kidney ailment is polycystic kidney disease. This condition occurs when cysts develop in the kidneys. Polycystic kidney disease can lead to hypertension and kidney failure. Symptoms of polycystic kidney disease may include abdominal, back or side pain. Abdominal swelling may occur. Kidney stones may develop as well. Urination may occur more frequently and blood may be present in the urine. Kidney infections may occur regularly.

    Kidney Cancer

    • Renal cell carcinoma is kidney cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, about 51,000 individuals are diagnosed with kidney cancer every year. In the early stages, kidney cancer usually does not cause any symptoms. During the later stages, the following symptoms may occur: persistent back pain, blood in the urine, fevers and fatigue. Surgery is most often required to treat remove the affected parts of the kidney.

    Kidney Failure

    • Kidney failure is an ailment that occurs when the kidney slowly loses its ability to filter the blood. Kidney failure often occurs as the result of hypertension or diabetes. Symptoms of kidney failure typically do not occur until an individual has lost 25 percent of his kidney function. Kidney failure may cause the urine to be dark colored, and it may cause a decrease in urine output. It can also bloody stools. Also, individuals experiencing kidney failure may have high blood pressure, anemia, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, weakness, fatigue, frequent headaches, muscle cramps and problems sleeping. Pain may be felt along the side or in the middle or lower portion of the back. The skin may appear to be yellowish and the skin may be continually itchy.

    Kidney Infection

    • A kidney infection occurs when a urinary tract infection travels up to the kidneys. Kidney infections require antibiotic treatment to prevent damage and complications. Symptoms of a kidney infection include increased urination, painful urination and urine that appears cloudy and has a strong smell. The urine may also contain blood or pus. Sometimes individuals may also be unable to urinate. Other symptoms include abdominal discomfort, back pain, side pain and fever. Severe kidney infections may also cause chills, night sweat episodes, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and confusion.

    Kidney Stones

    • Kidney stones occur when minerals such as calcium and acid salts crystallize inside the kidneys instead of being excreted in the urine. Kidney stones cause intense pain that usually begins on the side of the body or in area of the back below the ribs. The pain may also be felt in the lower abdominal and the groin area. Other symptoms include bloody or cloudy urine. Also, the urine may smell foul. Increased urination may also occur. Kidney stones may also cause nausea, vomiting and fever. Although kidney stones are painful, they usually do not cause any problems and are mostly treated with pain medications.

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