Symptoms of a Kidney Infection in Children
In infants and young children, signs and symptoms of kidney infection may include irritability, loss of appetite, loose bowel movements and new episodes of bed-wetting (enuresis). In older adults, mental changes including confusion sometimes are signs of a kidney infection.
Frequent Urination
A child with a kidney infection will probably need to urinate frequently. It's always important to pay attention to how often a child uses the bathroom in a day. A sudden increase in frequency is a sign of a kidney infection. If you notice a child is urinating frequently. it's important to ask her if it hurts to pee, as painful urination is an indicator of infection. In addition, pay attention to how many times a child tries to use the bathroom but then declares, "Nothing came out." Another sign of kidney infection is a frequent urge to urinate without the ability to do so.
Abnormal Urine
If a child is urinating more frequently than normal, pay attention to the urine. Instruct the child not to flush until you exam the urine. If the urine appears cloudy or has a strong odor, something may be wrong. If the urine has pus or blood in it, there is a high probability of kidney infection. Call a pediatrician and explain the systems; make an appointment for the child to be examined as soon as possible.
Bed Wetting
Bed wetting is a sign of kidney infection if the child has been staying dry at night for long amounts of time. This sign is more indicative of a kidney infection in older children, because younger children may revert to bed wetting for any number of reasons (such as high stress or changes to normal routine). Older children are more likely to try to cover up bed wetting, so it's important for children to understand it's not something to be ashamed of. Talking about it is the first step to treating the problem and stopping the bed wetting by treating the kidney infection.
Fever and Pain
Fever is usually a sign that the body is fighting an infection. When a child is having urination problems coupled with fever, there's a good chance that a kidney infection is the culprit. In addition, the child may complain of pain in the lower back or side of the abdomen, where the kidneys are located. The fever and pain can be helped with Children's Tylenol. Always call a doctor if the fever is about 102 degrees F.
Other Symptoms
A child with a kidney infection may show other symptoms that seem more like a general illness. A child who is extremely irritable, refuses to eat and has loose bowel movements along with urination issues is most likely suffering from an infection. Make note of any of these symptoms and the duration, and tell the child's doctor.