Effects of Kidney Dialysis
Bone Disease
In renal osteodystrophy (kidney failure bone disease), the bones become weak and thin. This disease affects children and adults, but children can suffer from it even before starting on dialysis.
Not all wastes can be removed from the blood by dialysis, and this causes the itching commonly experienced by patients with kidney failure. There are a variety of treatments that can help alleviate the itching.
Sleep Disorders
Many patients on dialysis suffer from sleep apnea. This condition can lead to insomnia, when patients are tired during the day but can't sleep at night (day-night reversal).
Restless Leg Syndrome
Sleep problems can also happen when a person's legs can't stop moving at night. This can happen from nerve damage or chemical imbalances in the blood.
This is a condition like arthritis, but it's common in people who are on dialysis for more than five years. Proteins in the blood build up on the joints and in the fluid, causing pain and swelling.