How to Lower Potassium Level in the Kidneys
Stay away from high-potassium foods. High-potassium foods such as bananas, oranges, potatoes and chocolate raise potassium levels. Choose low-potassium foods such as apples, peaches, lettuce, cabbage and green beans.
Increase your calcium intake. Calcium can naturally lower potassium levels in the kidney. Take a daily calcium supplement, or increase your intake of yogurt and cheese.
Take a garlic supplement. Another supplement proven to normalize potassium levels include garlic. Purchase garlic capsules from a health-food store or eat one garlic clove a day.
Drink plenty of water. Water effectively removes toxins from the body and flushes the kidneys. To lower your potassium level in the kidneys, drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
Get at least 90 minutes of exercise a week. Physical activity improves your health and lowers potassium levels. Workout at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. Effective exercises include jogging, walking, aerobics, biking or swimming.
Eliminate caffeine from your diet. Caffeinated products such as sodas, teas and coffee can raise your potassium level. Until your potassium level normalizes, removes these beverages from your diet.