Kidney Infection Symptoms
Types of kidney infection symptoms include back pain, frequent urination, cloudy urine with a strong odor, nocturia (urge to urinate during the night), burning sensation on urination, stomach pain or pressure, fever, hematuria (blood in urine) and groin pain. Infant's kidney infection symptoms include irritability, loss of appetite and bed wetting (enuresis). Identifying severe kidney infection symptoms may include high fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Exhaustion/fatigue, night sweats, nausea or vomiting, chills/shaking and confusion may also occur. Excessive shaking and chills warrant a trip to the ER to check the severity of infection.
After you undergo tests, including ultrasound, urine tests, urine input and output, the doctor will arrive at a diagnosis and you may receive a painkiller at the hospital. He may then prescribe drugs called quinolones, such as norfloxacin (Noroxin) and ciprofloxacin (Cipro), to treat the kidney infection. He also may precribe pain medication in the form of Vicodin and Phenergan.
Cranberry juice cocktail or cranberry capsules are beneficial to kidney infection in that cranberries are a natural antibiotic. Flushing the body with cranberry juice cocktail helps rid kidney infection naturally. Drinking plenty of fluids helps clean out the renal system, as well as keeping you well-hydrated.
For women, wipe front to back to avoid contamination from anus to urethra.
Take showers instead of bathing to prevent excess water causing irritation.
Urinate frequently, especially after intercourse.
Do not take cranberry juice if you're taking Coumadin or warfarin. The combination may cause bleeding.
Avoid feminine products, douching, or sprays; these products irritate sensitive skin.
Wash genitalia carefully, rinsing thoroughly with plain water.
Keep hydrated--drink plenty of clear fluids. Avoid citrus or sugary drinks as these may inflame the urethra.
Use a heating pad on the stomach or sides to alleviate pain.
Rest as much as possible.
Take a pain reliever to alleviate symptoms.
Many conditions may cause kidney infections such as pregnancy, cancer, kidney stones and problems within the urinary tract. Women are prone to kidney infections due to being exposed to bacteria during intercourse which then travel through the urinary tract into the bladder and continue to the kidneys.