How to Pass a Kidney Stone
Drink distilled water. To pass the kidney stone quickly, you must drink a lot of fluid to stimulate urine production. However, tap water contains bacteria, metals and other impurities which can actually increase the sedimentation of the kidney stones. Distilled water flushes out kidney stones without making them larger.
Use lemons. Add a few lemon slices to each glass of water or other beverage you drink. Lemons are high in citric acid, which helps break the kidney stone up and helps it move through your system faster.
Exercise. Exercise help prevents kidney stones because it not only helps the body flush toxins which cause them, but it allows the kidney stone to pass quicker by getting it to move. It also increases your thirst, which makes you drink more water.
Increase your intake of citrates. Citrates prevent calcium from building up, which will help your kidney stone not increase in size before you pass it. Citrates are found in grapes, carrots and oranges. The most efficient way to increase your intake of citrates is to drink grape, carrot or orange juice.
Strain your urine. Each time you use the bathroom, use a urine strainer to catch any kidney stone fragments which you pass. This lets you know you have passed the stone and gives your doctor a sample of the type of kidney stones you're producing. You doctor can provide you with a urine strainer and specimen cup.