How to Prevent Renal Cell Carcinoma

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) or renal cell adenocarcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer. It typically occurs in individuals ages 50 to 70 years and is more prevalent in men than women. Growth of renal carcinomas often times present themselves as a single mass within the kidney. They can also be seen on both kidneys at the same time. They are usually discovered when they grow large enough to cause problems. In severe cases, these cancerous cells tend to spread to different organs of the body, making it difficult to administer treatment.Symptoms of renal cell carcinoma include presence of flank pain that is felt only on one side of the body between the abdomen and the back area, appearance of a brown or rusty urine that is sometimes accompanied with blood, the patient’s body appears drastically thin, swelling in the abdominal area, and enlargement of one testicle. All of these manifestations are usually accompanied with chills, high fevers, nausea, and vomiting. To protect your system against renal cell carcinoma, apply the following preventive measures.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Sphygmomanometer
  • Water
  • Protective clothing/mask/gloves
  • Water
  • Multivitamins
  • Regular visit to the doctor
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  1. How to Prevent Renal Cell Carcinoma

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      Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Consuming healthy food will boost your immune system and help shield your body against disease.

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      Stop smoking. Smoking weakens your defense system and could double the risk of renal cell carcinoma.

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      Watch your weight. Obesity is another risk factor that must be taken seriously. Maintaining an ideal body weight is equal to maintaining a healthy life.

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      Do at least 25 to 30 minutes of daily exercise. Exercise boosts your overall energy. If you are not accustomed to doing exercises, you can start by walking around the house or riding a stationary bike. Remember to incorporate your exercise with rhythmic breathing.

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      Maintain a healthy blood pressure. Always keep an eye on your blood pressure by regularly visiting your doctor or by keeping a sphygmomanometer (an instrument for measuring blood pressure) at home to check your blood pressure on a regular basis. Watch your diet, learn to practice a healthy lifestyle, and avoid stress inducing activities to avoid high blood pressure.

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      Drink a lot of water. Good hydration is a healthy way to optimize body function. It helps to eradicate toxins of the body and helps to keep the kidneys and other organs healthy.

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      Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals. Exposure to environmental toxins (such as asbestos) will increase the risk of having cancerous cells in the body. If you are working in a factory or any type of construction, make sure to equip yourself with protective clothing, including masks and gloves, to ensure safety.

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      Take vitamins. Taking multivitamins is a good way to protect against cancerous cells and other lurking pathogens in the surroundings.

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      Regular check-ups are advisable for patients who are undergoing renal dialysis. Kidney patients are in high risk of having renal cell carcinoma. To prevent this from taking place, constant laboratory exams such as urinalysis, is conducted to maintain a stable condition.

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      Choose a healthy transplant candidate. There are cases wherein transplant recipients develop renal cell carcinoma due to the transplanted kidney.

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