How to Recognize the Symptoms of Kidney Disease
Note if you have any changes in your urination habits. You may frequently have the urge to urinate but when you go to the bathroom, nothing happens.
Check if your urine is foamy, bubbly, very pale or darker than usual. You may also have blood in your urine, in which case you should see a doctor immediately.
Look if you have any strange swelling in your ankles, feet, legs or hands. When your kidneys start to fail, they are unable to remove extra fluids, which start to build up in other parts of your body.
Notice if your sleeping habits change. As your kidneys fail, there is less oxygen in your blood than normal. This is called anemia and causes fatigue.
Note if you have trouble concentrating or experience bouts of dizziness. The anemia caused by kidney disease means less blood flows to your brain.
See if you often feel nauseous. The buildup of wastes in your blood stream will cause nausea and vomiting. You will also feel itchy due to the presence of waste in your veins.
Taste foods you know well. Kidney disease can make things taste different. You may have an iron-like taste in your mouth or very bad breath.
Walk up a set of stairs. If you notice you are always out of breath, even when not doing physical exercise, it might be due to kidney disease. A buildup of fluid in the lungs and a low oxygen count in your blood will cause this symptom.
Check for extraneous pain in your back or side. Often the side with the afflicted kidney will become sore. Some kinds of kidney disease can produce painful cysts on the kidneys.
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