How to Treat Brights Disease
Things You'll Need
- high-carbohydrate, low-protein diet
Restrict your intake of protein, as ordered by your doctor, if you are experiencing signs of kidney failure. See "How to Eat While On Dialysis."
Limit your salt. Too much salt causes fluid retention and bloating, and causes your kidneys to work harder.
Restrict your fluids if you are producing scant urine, as ordered by your doctor. Sometimes, for moderate to severe Bright's disease, you will be told to drink an amount of liquid equivalent to your perspiration and urination, also known as balancing your intake and output.
Eat a high-carbohydrate diet. Carbs are easier for the kidneys to detoxify than proteins and fats.
Stay in bed, if ordered by your doctor. During the acute stages of Bright's disease, the body needs complete rest.
Limit your activities, once you are through the acute stages of Bright's disease. Be gentle to your body, give your kidneys a chance to heal. Too much activity can cause protein and blood deposits in your urine.
Take a prescription of antibiotics, as ordered by your doctor, if your Bright's disease was as a result of a bacterial infection.
Consider dialysis. In some cases of chronic Bright's disease, dialysis is necessary for survival.