How to Prevent Contrast Nephropathy
Discuss with your physician any procedures that will include a dye contrast. Ask him if the dye is absolutely necessary for the test or procedure you are having. If he says no, decline it.
Begin hydrating a full week before your procedure. Drink at least 10 8-ounce glasses of bottled water, chamomile tea, cranberry juice or carrot juice daily for two weeks before the procedure.
Stop taking diuretics and any medication with a diuretic in it as well as any medication that contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (ibuprofen) in its ingredients at least 48 hours before admission to the hospital or before the procedure. This includes medications such as Aleve, Advil, Motrin or Nuprin to name a few.
Discuss intravenous hydration before, during and after the procedure. This is the key to the complete prevention of CIN. It is crucial to keep your kidneys functioning well before the procedure, during it and post-procedure. CIN cannot be reversed so it is very important to be frank about your concerns with your physicians.