How to Cure or Prevent Microalbuminuria
Things You'll Need
- Gym membership
- Health journal
- Food diary
Preventing and Curing Microalbuminuria
Stop smoking cigarettes, which can induce albuminuria and accelerate renal failure in diabetics. Seek counseling for cigarette addiction, ask a friend for help, speak to your health care provider and get rid of all your remaining packs of cigarettes.
Exercise at the gym to control and reduce blood sugar levels and hypertension, associated with microalbuminuria. You can prevent any further kidney damage by reducing your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels achievable through diet and exercise. Attempt to exercise five days a week for at least 30 minutes. Take notes in your health journal about your workout routine for that day such as the exercises you performed.
Eat healthy. This can prevent more kidney damage by reducing your weight, controlling your blood sugar and by improving hypertensive conditions. You should eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, choose starchy carbohydrates that are low on the glycemic index and reduce the amount of fat, sugar and salt in your diet. Write in your food journal what you are eating so you are aware of your own diet.
Consult a dietitian if you have microalbuminuria associated with kidney disease. You might need to limit certain foods from your diet that contain high levels of protein, sodium, potassium or phosphate. Your food diary can assist both you and your dietitian in determining what foods you are eating and what you can add or remove from your diet.
Speak to your health care provider about medications for microalbuminuria. ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers can be used to slow kidney damage and reduce your blood pressure. ACE inhibitors are recommended for most people with diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease.
Take a low-dose aspirin daily. Aspirin has been shown to lower blood pressure, which improves kidney health in type 2 diabetics.
Write daily in your health journal about your diet, exercise and other matters related to changing your lifestyle. This will allow you to recap and keep track of the changes in your habits and the progress being made. Also, keep note of any mistakes during the day, such as eating candy or not going to the gym like you planned. Tracking your past failures can remind of your present and future goals and how to possibly overcome upcoming potential obstacles.