Kidney Foundation Grants
NKF/Amgen KDOQI Research Fellowship
The NKF/Amgen KDOQI Research Fellowship pays for training for young scientists in areas identified as gaps in current knowledge about treating kidney disease.
Clinical Scientist Award
The Clinical Scientist Award is for scientists with "outstanding clinical research potential" and provides a salary so that the scientist can devote 75 percent of their time to research.
Research Fellowship
The Research Fellowship supports young scientists doing kidney-related research. The NFK's website states it is also to, "encourage high quality applicants who want to make a career change into academic Nephrology."
Young Investigator Grant Program
The Young Investigator Grant Program supports research by scientists who are junior faculty at university-affiliated medical centers in the United States.
KDOQI Research Grant
The KDOQI Research Grant is for scientists doing research recommended by the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) guidelines.
Franklin McDonald/Fresenius Medical Care Clinical Research Grant
The Franklin McDonald/Fresenius Medical Care Clinical Research Grant of the National Kidney Foundation is for scientists holding a full-time faculty position at a university (or similar position at a research organization) who can spend at least half of their time on research and 25 percent caring for dialysis patients or teaching others how to do so.
Council of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians Grant
The Council of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians offers grants for research on how nurses and technicians can best care for patients with kidney failure.
Council of Nephrology Social Workers Grant
The Council of Nephrology Social Workers offers grants for research on psychosocial factors in kidney failure.
Council on Renal Nutrition Grant
The Council on Renal Nutrition offers grants for renal dietitians to do research on the nutritional needs and treatment of kidney patients.
Council of Advanced Practitioners Grant
The Council of Advanced Practitioners offers grants to advanced practitioners for research on the management of kidney failure.