What is a cortical defect of the kidney?

A cortical defect of the kidney is an anomaly of the kidney in which there is a focal disruption of the normal renal cortex. This can be seen as a depression or indentation of the kidney surface. The defect may be unilateral or bilateral, and it can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

Cortical defects are thought to be caused by a disruption of the normal development of the kidney. They are often associated with other abnormalities of the kidney, such as horseshoe kidney, double kidney, and Ectopic kidney. In most cases, cortical defects do not cause any problems and do not require treatment.

However, in some cases, cortical defects can cause problems such as:

* Hydronephrosis: This is a condition in which the kidney becomes swollen and enlarged due to a blockage of the urine flow.

* Pyelonephritis: This is a type of kidney infection.

* Renal failure: This is a condition in which the kidney loses its ability to function properly.

Treatment for cortical defects depends on the severity of the problems that they are causing. In most cases, treatment is not necessary. However, in some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the defect or to treat the associated problems.

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