Kidney Failure Treatment: Transplant and Dialysis
Chronic or end stage kidney disease, also known as renal failure, requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
A physician typically orders dialysis when 85 to 90 percent of kidney function disappears.
Hemodialysis pumps blood through a machine to remove waste before returning it to the circulatory system. Peritoneal dialysis utilizes a catheter to cleanse blood inside the body.
Transplanted kidneys may be obtained from deceased donors or a living family member. "People who have transplants must take drugs to keep their body from rejecting the new kidney for the rest of their lives," according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Success Rate
The Mayo Clinic reports that 95 percent of kidneys received from living donors are still functioning after 1 year compared to a 92 percent success rate for those received from deceased donors.