Is Citrate for Dissolving Kidney Stones?
Individuals lacking proper chemical balance in their urinary system face the greatest risk of suffering kidney stones. “Urine normally contains chemicals—citrate, magnesium, pyrophosphate—that prevent the formation of crystals. Low levels of these inhibitors can contribute to the formation of kidney stones,” according to the Department of Urology at the University of Miami. “Of these, citrate is thought to be the most important.”
In the majority of instances, an accumulation of excess calcium in the urine brings about a kidney stone. Citrates inhibit the development of a stone by chemically attaching to calcium and blocking growth of the object.
The Department of Urology at the University of Wisconsin suggests drinking up to 32 ounces daily of low-sugar, low-calorie lemonade, limeade or other fruit juices loaded with citric acid.
Problems arise from consuming some other types of beverages. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, “Patients with stones should avoid cola drinks with phosphoric acid because they can severely reduce citrate levels in the urine.”
Don't forget water as a crucial beverage and vital part of the strategy to ensure constant urination, regularly flushing the kidneys of potentially harmful irritants.