Septic Shock & the Renal System
Septic Shock
Septic shock is one component of a continuum of progressive dysfunction beginning with an infectious agent that invades the bloodstream, triggering a body-wide inflammatory response, according to the book "Understanding Pathophysiology."
Filtration Rate
With body-wide inflammation, vessels everywhere dilate, lowering blood pressure. This lowers the pressure inside key capillaries in the kidney, which in turn lowers the rate at which the kidneys can filter blood, note Professor Vander and his co-writers.
Unable to filter blood adequately, the kidneys can no longer achieve that precise regulation of blood components on which all organs depend, according to the book "Understanding Pathophysiology."
O2 Shortage
Meanwhile, the abnormally low blood pressure due to septic shock is damaging kidney cells by depriving them of oxygen, possibly leading to inflammation of kidney tissue.
Inflammation will lead to scarring, as notes the book "Medical-Surgical Nursing." Scarring will permanently ruin the delicate networks of loops and tubules that make filtration possible.