How to Get Rid Of Kidney Stones Naturally
See a Doctor
You should be examined by a doctor before you decide to pass your kidney stone naturally because you cannot reliably diagnose kidney stones based on symptoms alone. Kidney stone symptoms, such as abdominal pain and bloody urine, are not unique to kidney stones. Therefore, imaging and other medical tests need to be conducted to confirm the presence of a kidney stone in your urinary system, so there are no mistakes regarding treatment. Furthermore, some kidney stones either cannot be passed through your urinary system or cannot do so without causing serious harm in the process. Going to the doctor ensures you receive medical treatment if necessary, but also can confirm your ability to safely pass the kidney stone naturally, if that is your choice.
Passing the Stone
Once your doctor confirms you may safely pass your kidney stone without drugs or medical assistance, you can go about preparing to endure the pain and speed up the process as much as possible. Although there is a claim that lemons and other citrus fruits can help break up the kidney stone while still in the urinary stem, that claim is untested and would likely not work as described except in cases where the kidney stone is made of calcium.
Hastening Passage
Speeding up the process of passing the kidney stone simply means hastening the rate at which you urinate. The Mayo Clinic recommends that you begin drinking more water if you are trying to pass a kidney stone so that your urine appears clear or mostly clear. Not only can this speed up the rate at which the kidney stone passes, but also helps reduce further formations in the future. You may also want to consider ingesting natural diuretics, such as celery and dandelion root tea, to increase the rate of urine production.
Fighting the Symptoms
You can find natural pain relief by eating or using a number of commonly available herbs. Both ginger and turmeric possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help dull the worst of the symptoms, whether they are taken as spices in meals or as ingredients in tea. You may also find some success drinking teas made of ingredients like rosemary and white willow bark. Muscle relaxers, like rosemary, might be helpful in relaxing the muscles of the ureter and help ensure the kidney stone passes with minimal resistance.